Product information settings
Setting | Description |
Color scheme | Applying a color scheme to the product image and content container automatically updates all associated colors set in the theme settings according to the created color schemes. You can edit colors in this block, but it will impact the other sections and blocks in which the same color scheme is used. Learn more about color schemes. |
Enable sticky content on desktop | When the button is swiped to the right, the product media and content below will always remain visible side by side with the main product information. |
Setting | Description |
Show breadcrumbs | Swipe the button to the right to display a navigation path to guide users, e.g., Home > Products (All) > Product Name . |
Show collection | To show a collection in breadcrumbs, include a button option in your product settings to enable or disable the display of the collection.
Media settings
To add media, navigate to Dashboard > Products, and select the specific product you wish to edit from the list. There are three product media types that can be added to the product page:
3D models
Please read this detail information about media types.
Setting | Description |
Show badge | Slide the toggle to the right to show badge on media. |
Desktop media width |
Constrain media to screen height | When this option is enabled, the media, such as images or videos, will be constrained to fit within the height of the screen. |
Media fit | “Media fit” refers to how product images or other media (such as videos) are sized and displayed within their respective containers on a web page. Two options for Media fit:
Desktop layout | This option refers to the way in which product images are displayed in the featured product section. There are four options available to choose:
Desktop media position | Choose the media position: Left: Media left, content right. Right: Media right, content left. |
Image zoom |
Mobile layout |
Hide other variant’s media after selecting a variant | Select this option to hide the media for other variants after a variant has been selected. |
Enable video looping | If you add a video to showcase your product, “enabling video looping” will allow customers to watch the video over and over again without having to manually restart it. This can be useful in highlighting specific features or aspects of the product that the customer may have missed during the first viewing. |
Section padding
Setting | Description |
Top padding | The 'Top padding' setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the template using a slider. |
Bottom padding | The 'Bottom padding' setting functions similarly to the “Section top padding” setting, but controls the space at the bottom of the template. |
Top padding mobile | The 'Top padding mobile' setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the template specifically for mobile devices, using a slider. |
Bottom padding mobile | The 'Bottom padding mobile' setting works similarly to the 'Top padding mobile' setting but controls the space at the bottom of the template for mobile devices. |