Scrolling text settings

Settings  Description
Scroll speed The scroll speed slider allows you to adjust the speed of Scrolling text.
Scroll direction

Specify the direction in which the element should scroll:

  • Left
  • Right
Text size Adjust the size of the scrolling text using the slider. This helps you select the most suitable size for your design.
Text color Choose the text color using the color picker or by entering a HEX code.
Background color Select a background color using the color picker or by entering a HEX code.

Section padding

Setting Description
Top padding The 'Top padding' setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section using a slider. 
Bottom padding The 'Bottom padding' setting functions similarly to the “Section top padding” setting, but controls the space at the bottom of the section. 
Top padding mobile The 'Top padding (Mobile)' setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section specifically for mobile devices, using a slider.
Bottom padding mobile The 'Bottom padding mobile' setting works similarly to the 'Top padding mobile' setting but controls the space at the bottom of the section for mobile devices.
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