Time lapse item

Settings  Description 
Image The image field allows you to add a visual element related to an event, milestone, or the view of your store.
Pagination heading Each time lapse item will have its own year heading (e.g., "2020," "2019," "2018"), and users can click on these tabs to view content related to that particular year.
Heading The heading should clearly indicate the year or time period being displayed. This could be a single year or a range of years (e.g., "2010-2020")
Heading size

The heading size setting offers three options to control the size of the section heading:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Extra large
Description Use this field to provide a brief yet meaningful context about an event, milestone, or the history of your store.
Description size

There are three options to control the size of your description:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Button label

Decide whether the section includes a button:

  • To display the button, enter text into the field as the label.
  • To hide the button, leave the text field empty.
Button link Add a URL or page link for the button, directing customers to a specific destination.
Button style

Choose the button’s appearance:

  • Solid: A fully filled button.
  • Outline: A button with a border and no fill.
  • Inline: A minimal button style aligned with the text.
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