Multicolumn settings

Setting Description

This field is for adding a heading to the section.

In the top menu of the field, you can find options to customize the heading.

Furthermore, you can click the dynamic source button to insert a dynamic source as the title of the section.

Heading size

The heading size setting offers three options to control the size of your section heading:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large

This field is for adding a description to the section.

In the top menu of the field, you can find options to customize the text. Additionally, you can use the style of headings from H1 to H6 to the body text.

Furthermore, you can click the dynamic source button to insert a dynamic source for the description.

Description size

There are three options to control the size of your description:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Button label

Decide whether the section includes a button:

  • To display the button, enter text into the field as the label.
  • To hide the button, leave the text field empty.
Button link Add a URL or page link for the button, directing customers to a specific destination.
Button style

Choose the button’s appearance:

  • Solid: A fully filled button.
  • Outline: A button with a border and no fill.
  • Inline: A minimal button style aligned with the text.
Heading alignment

Align the heading, heading with description, or heading, description, and button according to your design preferences:

  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
Image width
Image ratio
Number of columns on desktop The “Number of Columns on Desktop” setting allows you to specify the number of columns to be displayed on larger screens, including tablets. You can choose from 1 to 6 columns.
Column alignment

Align content across columns: Choose one of the following alignment options to control the positioning of content within each column:

  • Left
  • Center
Secondary background
  • None: No secondary background applied.
  • Show as Column Background: Use this option if you want to display columns with a different background container from the section. It automatically applies appropriate spacing inside the columns.

You can combine this option with the border style and color scheme settings in each column block to adjust the background color, as well as the button and text colors within the columns.

Border style
  • None: No border is applied, leaving the element without any visible boundary.
  • Solid: A continuous, unbroken line is used as the border.
  • Dotted: The border consists of small, evenly spaced dots.
  • Dashed: The border consists of evenly spaced dashes or short line segments.
Color scheme

Apply Color Scheme:

  • After creating your color schemes in theme settings — 'Colors' tab, you can apply them to different sections of your store.
  • In each section or block, you'll see a Color scheme dropdown.
  • Select the appropriate color scheme for each section, ensuring consistency with your brand's identity.

Mobile layout

Setting Description
Number of columns on mobile

Choose how columns are displayed on mobile devices:

  • 1 Column: Displays columns in a single-column layout for a simple and focused view.
  • 2 Columns: Splits columns into two columns for a compact and organized layout.

Section padding

Setting Description
Top padding The 'Top padding' setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section using a slider. 
Bottom padding The 'Bottom padding' setting functions similarly to the “Section top padding” setting, but controls the space at the bottom of the section. 
Top padding mobile The 'Top padding mobile' setting allows you to adjust the amount of space at the top of the section specifically for mobile devices, using a slider.
Bottom padding mobile The 'Bottom padding mobile' setting works similarly to the 'Top padding mobile' setting but controls the space at the bottom of the section for mobile devices.
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